These completeled fill in the blank story examples show how choosing the right adjectives, adverbs, and verbs can instantly change your creative writing project.
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Giant Visits Grandma
+See the original fill in the blank story.
Example 1:
A grumpy giant wants to visit his grandma but he finds his grandma doing karate.
On a miserable afternoon, a grumpy giant trudged through the forest. He was feeling wonderfully crabby because he was quickly approaching his grandmas house. Grandma wasn’t like your typical grandma. She was even more slimy. She hugged roughly. She baked stinky food. And she never played games. She was the best grandma ever.
When the tired giant arrived at grandma’s hideous home, he opened the door and gasped at what he saw inside. Grandma was wearing pajamas and doing karate.Story example 2:
A gentle giant wants to visit his grandma but he finds his grandma playing in the mud.
On a lovely afternoon, a gentle giant strolled through the forest. He was feeling joyful because he was slowly approaching his grandma’s house. Grandma wasn’t like your typical grandma. She was even more cheerful. She hugged gently. She baked wonderful food. And she always played games. She was the best grandma ever.
When the happy giant arrived at grandma’s friendly home, he opened the door and sighed at what he saw inside. Grandma was wearing a ballgown and was dancing in a puddle of mud, again. -
The Singing Pirate
+See the original fill in the blank story.
Story Example 1:
A fashionable pirate wants to sing in a rock opera band, but needs to find a group to sing with.
What was that soaring sound? He knew he heard something and there it was again. It was music. Beautiful music and he loved it! The pirate stopped pillaging and just kept counting his loot. Then he started tapping his toes. Before he knew it, he was rocking his head and his arms too. Now he wanted to sing. He had to sing; he couldn’t help himself. When he opened his mouth, out came an unbelievable sound. He was quite possibly the most rocking singer in the whole world.
Pirate felt exhilarated. He finally discovered the joy of singing and nothing was going to stop him from getting out and finding a group to sing with. But how? He was a rotund pirate, but he was clever. So, pirate set off on a roadtrip to find a band.
First, he put on his travelling clothes. As all rock opera singing pirates would, he wore a magician’s hat and leather pants. He casually threw his over-stuffed backpack on his back and started strolling.
Soon, the day became sweltering. The sky was bright and pirate felt sweaty. He took a steadying breath, tilted his head, and kept striding purposefully.
Before long, he heard it again-- that sound. Amazing music. He started humming quietly. He worked his dance moves a little. And there it was! A musical pirate’s oasis, full of other fashionable pirates acting like stars. He thought, “I am totally rocking this look.”Story Example 2:
A sloppy pirate wants to sing in a rock band, but needs to find a group to sing with.
What was that rocking sound? He knew he heard something and there it was again. It was music. Soaring music and he loved it! The pirate stopped swabbing the deck and just sneezed. Then he started wiggling his toes. Before he knew it, he was shaking his head and his arms too. Now he wanted to sing. He had to sing; he couldn’t help himself. When he opened his mouth, out came a screechy sound. He was quite possibly the most interesting singer in the whole world.
Pirate felt thrilled. He finally discovered the joy of singing and nothing was going to stop him from getting out and finding a group to sing with. But how? He was an awful pirate, but he was loud. So, pirate set off on a roadtrip to find a band.
First, he put on his travelling clothes. As all rock singing pirates would, he wore a leather hat and shiny pants. He carelessly threw his ripped backpack on his back and started swimming.
Soon, the day became dark. The sky was starry and pirate felt cold. He took a deep breath, wiggled his head, and kept swimming ploddingly.
Before long, he heard it again-- that sound. Rocking music. He started shaking nervously. He listened. And there it was! A musical pirate’s oasis, full of other smelly pirates singing badly. He thought, “Finally, it’s a singing pirate’s life for me!” -
Tiger and Jaguar
+See the original fill in the blank story.
Story Example 1:
A bored tiger wants to go to the annual jungle party, but a baby jaguar gets in his way.
A bored tiger feels so excited because she has been invited to the annual jungle party. The party is in an enchanted part of the jungle, so she starts her trek immediately. As she ventures deeper into the magical jungle, she sees many colorful trees with tangled leaves and bright flowers. The air smells sweet. The tiger walks cheerfully singing a happy tune when all of a sudden she hears a sweet sound.
The tiger quickly stops walking. Through the thick leaves, she spies two nervous eyes peeking back at her. Tiger starts to whisper carefully because he feels gentle. Tiger carefully crawls forward when suddenly a hungry baby jaguar wanders out onto the path in front of the tiger. In a lively voice, the jaguar says, “Excuse me, can you help me catch one of those little gnomes? I’m hungry.”Story Example 2:
A cheerful tiger wants to go to the annual jungle party, but a ninja jaguar gets in his way.
A cheerful tiger feels so nervous because he has been invited to the annual jungle party. The party is in a dark part of the jungle, so he starts his trek early. As he ventures deeper into the tangled jungle, he sees many spooky trees with slimy leaves and spiky flowers. The air smells stinky. The tiger walks quietly singing a peaceful tune when all of a sudden he hears a hissing sound.
The tiger quickly stops singing. Through the colorful leaves, he spies two dangerous eyes glaring back at him. Tiger starts to shake nervously because he feels scared. Tiger carefully steps forward as suddenly a clumsy jaguar trips out onto the path in front of the tiger. In a nervous voice, the jaguar says, “Excuse me, I seem to have dropped my ninja weapons.” -
Elf and Dragon
+See the original fill in the blank story.
Story Example 1 - By Cian, age 4 (with some help)
An elf + must collect berries + but first he must pass the dragon cave.
One snowy morning, a cold elf is preparing a potion to make herself bigger. The elf has rainbow ears, spooky eyes, and wears a scary hat. It makes her look like a monster. The elf adds stinky goo, invisible leaves, and a pinch of powder that smells like flowers to her potion.
As she prepares to add the final ingredient, she loudly says, “Oh no! I have run out of banana berries. I can’t possibly finish my potion without them.” So the elf packs a feathery satchel and heads off into the spooky woods around her mushroom-shaped home. The woods are full of roaring sounds, making the elf feel scared.
The elf knows that the banana berries only grow in a dark area that is just beyond a dragon cave. The dangerous dragons are a warrior clan, so the elf feels very worried to meet them. As the elf gets closer and closer to the dragon cave, she feels more and more scared. Soon she sees the edge of the messy cave, with its stinky opening. She moves tip-toes forward, getting closer and closer, when a fire-breathing dragon pokes its flaming head outside the cave. The brave elf says, “Don’t you back talk to me. I have a sword, shield, and a light-sabre and I’ll fight you.” The dragon takes out his three shields and his two, dark, evil-looking swords. But then, a nice dragon with 100 blue, glowing light sabres-of-good comes. He defeats the fire dragon because the nice dragon also has water and water beats fire. The elf sneaks through to get his berries, but only after he smacks the mean dragon on the bottom. He picks his berries and returns home to his potion-making.Story Example 2- By Cole, age 8
A young elf + must collect glowing berries + but first he must pass the monstrous dragon cave.
One foggy morning, a hardworking elf is preparing a fantastic potion. The elf has gigantic ears, small eyes, and wears a brown hat. It makes him look like an idiot. The elf adds rotten goo, awful leaves, and a pinch of powder that smells fresh to his potion.
As he prepares to add the final ingredient, he loudly says, “Oh no! I have run out of huge, stinky, round berries. I can’t possibly finish my potion without them.” So the elf packs a stinky satchel and heads off into the mysterious woods around his spooky home. The woods are full of shushing sounds, making the elf feel like a nervous cat.
The elf knows that the ancient berries only grow in an enchanted area that is just beyond a dragon cave. The independent dragons are a dreadful clan, so the elf feels very bored to meet them. As the elf gets closer and closer to the dragon cave, he feels more and more bubbly. Soon he sees the edge of the hushed cave, with its monstrous opening. He slips forward quietly, getting closer and closer, when a dangerous dragon pokes its enormous head outside the cave. The silly elf says, “Hello there!” The dragon says, “What in the world? You are supposed to be afraid of me!” The brave elf says, “I’m going to pick your berries.” And he does. The dragon just harrumphs at him and goes back to sleep.Story Example 3- By Michael, age 14
A cheerful elf + must collect fantastic berries + but first he must pass the evil dragon cave.
One cheerful morning, an ancient elf is preparing a glowing potion. The elf has pointy ears, striking eyes, and wears a floppy hat. It makes him look puny. The elf adds bubbly goo, small leaves, and a pinch of powder that smells ghastly to his potion.
As he prepares to add the final ingredient, he abruptly says, “Oh no! I have run out of fantastic berries. I can’t possibly finish my potion without them.” So the elf packs a huge satchel and heads off into the spooky woods around his messy home. The woods are full of creepy sounds, making the elf feel nervous.
The elf knows that the fantastic berries only grow in a foggy area that is just beyond a dragon cave. The evil dragons are a clever clan, so the elf feels very tentative to meet them. As the elf gets closer and closer to the dragon cave, he feels more and more cowardly. Soon he sees the edge of the enormous cave, with its monstrous opening. He moves forward slowly, getting closer and closer, when a hulking dragon pokes its repulsive head outside the cave. The impatient elf says, “Aargh.”