Storytelling made super easy!
Storytelling with kids is a great way to build imagination, to bond at bedtime, or to share a fun family activity. Our super easy storytelling formula will get your kids telling stories instantly.
When should you tell stories with children? Anytime. Our family tells stories when kids are sooo bored, like when we're waiting in a restaurant. And next time they’re tired of waiting in line-- start telling a story with them. Storytelling with kids is a great way to keep them from knocking all the gum off the shelves in the grocery store check out line (just ask our creators, a mom and daughter team, how Super Easy Storytelling got started.)
Storytelling Formula
All you need to tell a story anytime, anywhere is this super easy formula. Choose a Who, a What, and a Why Not to get a story started.

How it works: A great story needs an interesting main character (Who) and a plot (What + Why not). Once you break up the action into those three easy components , starting a story gets a whole lot easier.
Step by step guide to storytelling:
When you use the Super Easy Storytelling formula and follow this easy storytelling how to guide, you can be a storyteller in no time.
There are lots of Who, What, and Why Nots all around you. Follow us to Storytelling Step 1 and learn how to create a story, or browse our list of story prompts.

Give your main character some personality to get the story rolling and see how to involve your kids in creating the story character. Follow us to Storytelling Step 2 or skip right to our Awesome Adjectives list .

Now your story needs some action. Follow us to Storytelling Step 3 in our step by step guide or combine some Vibrant Verbs with our Why Not list for some great plot twists.